Thursday, July 13, 2006

2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate?


months ago tal and i bought tickets to see kelly clarkson in concert at pnc in jersey and at jones beach but later decided that it wouldn’t be convenient to go to and sold them instead. we made about $100 off the jones beach ones and like $400 or so off the pnc tickets.

well, two days ago tal calls me and asks if i want to go to the kelly clarkson concert again at jones beach because her friend kelly got free tickets from work and couldn’t use them. since kristen and all her college girls and donna were already going also, i figured no problem it would be awesome. so we head down there and tal tells me that we have pretty decent seats, in the center, and first mezzanine. we find our seats and they were good. we had a clear view of the stage and kelly clarkson looked like she was the size of a pencil from our distance. but we could see her.

we are rocking out in our seats, listening to the lady next to us scream in excitement about the new toyota she just won at the concert, when a group of stage managers and secrutiy personnel approach the row in front of us, escort the people out of their seats and start setting up a mini stage.

i scream no fn way- you have to be shitting me. they guy sitting next to tal looks at me and goes nope- she’s coming. and oh yes she came. the mini stage ended up being two rows directly in front of me, making me sit next to the lighting guy. she gets up with only a guitarist and sings breakaway. acoustic. ridiculous.
she’s waving at the crowd and then- we made eye contact. not once but twice. yes me and kelly clarkson made eye contact. tal insists that i was striking poses but i remember none of this other than being so star struck that i had the biggest shit eating grin on my face. tal and i were flipping out.

best part about this is that before we found our seats we were with kristen and her friends who had two extra tickets in their section. tal was insisting that we sit with them all the way up in the nose bleeds in the heavens, and i selfishly refused to give up our decent tickets to sit in the same row as them. yeah right tal- i’m pretty sure i won that argument.

ohhh kelly.


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