Saturday, June 10, 2006

im right for you and youre right for me

and so the night began. we headed down to the canal room early so we could grab a bite to eat before the missy higgins show. we walked around soho briefly trying to decide what we wanted to eat in the hour that we had. after getting side tracked by the mind blowing stores that i had some how forgotten existed in soho, we finally decide to give balthazar a try. now ive been to pastis and have heard the infamous rants and raves of its sister restaurant, but had never eaten there before. so we show up no reservations in hand, only ripped true religions and a diesel bag, but they politely seat us right away in the corner at a table that was the size of a pizza pie- no joke. but hey its balthazar and we dont have reservations and its dinner and drink rush hour.
after waiting for what seemed like forever to order as we watched our waitress help every other table but ours, she finally comes over and i inform her that we are in a super rush so the faster the better. she was extremely receptive and understanding, or so i thought.
the cheese sampler we ordered comes out right away and we are quick to exchange notes on the quality of the cheeses and identify our favorites- mine the mild blue cheese, and hers on we couldnt identify other than the fact that it was sharp. we both order the steak- the middle one because theres three on the menu but undistinguished between cuts or anything but price.. so how wrong could we go picking the middle one. finish our steaks which were actually pretty tasty, pound the rest of my pilsner and we make moves out of there to head down to the canal room.
we wait on line and finally get to the bounce who proceeds to study my license as in im not really 21 and trying to see missy higgins in concert. okay buddy- if i wasnt 21 and was going to pretend to be older to see someone in concert im sure it wouldnt be missy higgins. he finally lets me in after what felt like an hour of looking me up and down and finally saying oh i see those darker roots now. fn meathead.
i was rather surprised the quality of the place. this was no maxwells or irving plaza. this was a step up- a huge step up. a red roped vip section with couches? this was not a place for the normal music obsessed bopper. it was more like an after work chill music scene where you shouldnt yet change into your sneakers for the commute home.
opening act was just ok. she was a mix of blossom and tals friend tara. she wouldnt have been so bad, but the only thing she could do was sing into a mic- no instruments- no guitar nothing. so this is where it starts... i start to get sweaty and feel a little weak. i figure it must be that the room is warm because of all the people plus im drinking a corona. so i take off my button down and get a soda. did it help? no.
missy higgins comes on- amazing. absolutely amazing. shes better in person than on itunes. shes everything a singer should be and more. shes gorgeous for one, she can not only sing but play piano and rock the guitar, her self written lyric are inspiring, and shes funny.
i make it through roughly the first three songs. then i make a dash for the bathroom downstairs and proceed to puke my insides up- yes the french fries, steak, and cheese from dinner, but also the work lunch and muffin for breakfast... i debate whether this means that i should go home or not. i splash some water, spray some perfume, dab some clinique on the face, and go back upstairs like nothing ever happened.
missed an entire set practically but stayed for the rest of the show and the encore which was worth it. we leave and hail a cab uptown when i tell tal that i was super sick during the show and apologize for not being more into it etc. she yells at me for not telling her sooner- but i didnt want to disappoint her since missy higgins is in her top five list of you know..
jump ahead to hours later when im about to go to work and i call tal to wake her up and she tells me that she was so sick in the middle of the night. coincidence? i think not.
im convinced that the waitress poisoned our food for telling her that we were in a rush.
moral keep your mouth shut and make reservations next time.


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