love - pain - hurt = hope + x
what happens when we hurt the ones we love? what is the result?
if the above function serves true than what's left over is hope plus an x factor. hope that somehow that x factor is greater than the sum of the pain and hurt. hope that somehow love will overcome and the equation won't be 0 = 0.
but using mathematical theory its true also that
love = hope + x + pain + hurt
love equals the hope that the x factor is gerater than the pain and hurt of the past, present, and future. we all have hope whether is putting ourselved out there falling in love, investing more in a relationship, trusting your other half and for better times in the future.
hope is always part of the equation until that x factor does not balance or is not greater than the amount of pain and hurt.
but even still couldn't love just be enough?
if the above function serves true than what's left over is hope plus an x factor. hope that somehow that x factor is greater than the sum of the pain and hurt. hope that somehow love will overcome and the equation won't be 0 = 0.
but using mathematical theory its true also that
love = hope + x + pain + hurt
love equals the hope that the x factor is gerater than the pain and hurt of the past, present, and future. we all have hope whether is putting ourselved out there falling in love, investing more in a relationship, trusting your other half and for better times in the future.
hope is always part of the equation until that x factor does not balance or is not greater than the amount of pain and hurt.
but even still couldn't love just be enough?
Well said.
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