Tuesday, December 19, 2006

recount of this past weekend

friday night:
i decided to head home early and have a night to myself to purely relax. not much of a friday night but certainly much needed.

i woke early enough to watch the news, clean my room and get my nails done all before 10am. meet kristen at the nail salon before i was leaving and ended up spending an extra hour there chatting about sandy’s new engagement to greg.
after nails headed out for errands, a doctor appointment and lunch with michelle. we went to sidekicks in town since its so close and convenient. but my, talk about taking forever for a burger. two hours later we were finally done with our cobb salad and burger fiasco and i went back out to meet kristen and her other half ron at marshalls for some shopping.
i have to say that i love marshalls, not as much as tj max, but had i given it more time im sure i could love them both on the same level. everything there is so cheap. we were trying to grab something little to throw together to give to sandy when she gets home and we ended up arguing over which book we should get the $4 mexican cookbook of $3 cocktail bible. we ended up taking both for the record.
after leaving marshalls with more items than i went for, i drove over to fortunoff to get michelle’s engagement gift. the bridal party is chipping in to get her 10 sets of the kate spade china she registered for. 2 sets left though- she wanted 12...
after bumper to bumper traffic and a day that feels like its never ending, im off to roosevelt field to have gifts wrapped at bloomingdales, buy an outfit for sunday’s party, and try to spend some time with tal. tal hits massive traffic and it takes her 2.5 hours to get to long island but still somehow manages to find me at bloomingdales gift wrap in the basement. we walk around for a bit and i finally find these crazy cheap inc pants and a not so cheap bcbg shirt that i grab just so i have something to wear for sunday. tal and i part ways and i head home finally.
i headed home and wrapped some gifts. ordered ginos at 9:45 and got my food at 11:30. ugh ginos.. thats another strike. i was not a happy camper, but amidst all of the hunger pains i watched you me and dupree (i had rented it earlier in the chaos of the day). hysterically stupid. i am a true kate hudson lover, especially in almost famous. love it, love her.

wake up early enough so i wont have to rush to get ready for the st anthony christmas dinner dance at russos on the bay. after makeup i figured i would take it easy and relax but michelle asked me to do her hair like i had done mine for tal’s grandparents’ 50th anniversary party last month. i reluctantly say yes because im such a good sister. an hour later with sore arms it looks cute and im still not sure what im wearing. luckily anthony was late giving me plenty of time. the food was terrible, the music was classic italian, i danced with my uncle and a bit with my dad, watched the kids get presents from santa who came out of the ground, and finally headed home around 5:30.
we decided to go home, change clothes, and then take a ride over to jones beach light show. around the holidays they put up over 10,000 lights in all different shapes and form creations. there were toys and villages and people. it was great. the place is a total gold mine.
back home to bed finally and decided to watch the ron clark story. absolutely amazing and so inspirational. every teacher should own this movie. as i am almost at the end michelle walks in and asks if i can redo her hair for the ginos holiday party. i refused to go by that point because i was utterly exhausted. i once again reluctantly say yes and finish again after over an hour and after 10pm. back to bed only to wake up monday morning and restart the week.

Monday, December 11, 2006

accounting for a holiday weekend

thursday night:

tal and i decide to finally give in and try asia de cuba in murray hill. ambiance amazing, food mediocre, crowd of wannabes.

friday night:

i met tal in the west village after her interview at pace and walked over to the little owl hoping to grab a table before the rush of the crowd and reservations. we were in luck. quaint, delicious, and perfect celebration of 11 months together.

saturday night:

after lunch with melissa and melissa at a sushi stop in garden city which turned into an early dinner, i headed into the city to soho to find anthony's burberry tie. after no tie but a boss shirt instead, i headed into hoboken to vic and ginas. hung out for a bit before driving to ams holiday party. parking is horrendous in hoboken for the record. stayed for a bit, just long enough to see am fall on the ground, katie start her own dance party, and jerry molitor show up.

sunday night:

decide to go back to jersey to see tal for the day. after hanging out and eating a portuegese lunch, we went over to short hills mall. absolute heaven. tal helped me come close to finishing up my shopping. almost there. dinner at johnny rockets then back to long island for the night.

Monday, December 04, 2006

.see shortbus.

see it. form your own opinion.

tal and i headed out on friday night to the movies as an escape from the 40mph winds and occassional downpours reported in the city. i had heard about the hype of the independent shortbus but it compared little to the actual movie. it was overwhelming and amazing in every aspect.

don't pass up this free advise.

late night train ride home

all alone in a city of millions

the trouble with new york city is the disillusion that the city is the solution to the void we search our lives trying to fill. there is a sense of emptiness in all of us as we hunt to complete ourselves with someone else, something else, or in the case of most new york city locals somewhere else.

we believe new york city to be equivalent to constant excitement and jubilee, and convince ourselves that this excitement is the solution to the dullness of the void. we somehow convince ourselves that meeting new people and having hundreds of my space friends would solve the emptiness in our lives. we flutter through the days working ridiculous hours just to ensure we have enough money to spend our nights at the latest page six hot spot. we manipulate ourselves and go out every night, leaving little time for thinking or feeling.

the truth is that at some point despite being able to find the scene of our choice in new york on any given night, it will no longer be enough. we will ultimately realize that new york is in fact the loneliest city in the world, with the most number of people losing themselves within its social oblivion. new york city will not complete us and will not cure lonesomeness. in fact new york city does the opposite.

one day we will wake up and realize that no matter how many cosmopolitans we drink in one night, or ceos we meet in one day, or fashion runways we walk down, we are still the same people we were before we came to new york city. we are still searching. we have just managed to temporarily lose time.