Thursday, July 13, 2006

this was dona.

so saturday night i make reservations at dona for tal and i for a late night dinner. for those of you who dont know dona is the new restaurant that donatella, of davidburke & donatella, opened on 52nd street. i had heard random mentioning of the restaurant, but then read an article about how donatella spent her summers in toritto (the same small poor town in southern italy that my family is from). and since i am obsessed with southern italian cuisine, i decided that this is a must. there aren’t many southern italian specialty restaurants in the city, making this an even more important hit.

first impressions- wow this is a whole lot fancier than i thought it would be. business casual was an understatement. it was elite client professional. i was expecting white table clothes and fine service, but i wasn’t expecting gourmet out of southern italian cooking. hence, i was initially disappointed. please note this is not a restaurant for the cash flow challenged. the average price of a glass of red wine on their menu was $18. not that i mind paying $18 for something i could possibly consume in five minutes...

so tal and i settle in and we order the octopus with grilled peaches to start. mind you the service is practically amazing, other than the 10 minutes we waited for menus, as they change your settings every five minutes and are there for your every need. the octopus was good. tender, tasty, and presented well- all three pieces of it.
i ordered the risotto with prawns and tal ordered some pasta with a lamb and eggplant “bolognese” sauce. she raved about her’s and i was less than satisfied with my choice. don’t get me wrong it was tasty but it was overly tasty. i was overwhelmed by all the different flavors in such a simple dish.

however, dona rebounded at dessert. we tried the three gelatos sampler- choosing a deep chocolate with a strange name, rose raspberry, and white peace honey. by far the best part of our meal, in addition to the french bread. these combinations were perfectly concocted with the ultimate ingredients and perfect recipe of balance.

overall ratings:
ambiance- elderly classic
service- for the king and queen
food- gourmet lackluster
dessert- would make me return again.

2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate?


months ago tal and i bought tickets to see kelly clarkson in concert at pnc in jersey and at jones beach but later decided that it wouldn’t be convenient to go to and sold them instead. we made about $100 off the jones beach ones and like $400 or so off the pnc tickets.

well, two days ago tal calls me and asks if i want to go to the kelly clarkson concert again at jones beach because her friend kelly got free tickets from work and couldn’t use them. since kristen and all her college girls and donna were already going also, i figured no problem it would be awesome. so we head down there and tal tells me that we have pretty decent seats, in the center, and first mezzanine. we find our seats and they were good. we had a clear view of the stage and kelly clarkson looked like she was the size of a pencil from our distance. but we could see her.

we are rocking out in our seats, listening to the lady next to us scream in excitement about the new toyota she just won at the concert, when a group of stage managers and secrutiy personnel approach the row in front of us, escort the people out of their seats and start setting up a mini stage.

i scream no fn way- you have to be shitting me. they guy sitting next to tal looks at me and goes nope- she’s coming. and oh yes she came. the mini stage ended up being two rows directly in front of me, making me sit next to the lighting guy. she gets up with only a guitarist and sings breakaway. acoustic. ridiculous.
she’s waving at the crowd and then- we made eye contact. not once but twice. yes me and kelly clarkson made eye contact. tal insists that i was striking poses but i remember none of this other than being so star struck that i had the biggest shit eating grin on my face. tal and i were flipping out.

best part about this is that before we found our seats we were with kristen and her friends who had two extra tickets in their section. tal was insisting that we sit with them all the way up in the nose bleeds in the heavens, and i selfishly refused to give up our decent tickets to sit in the same row as them. yeah right tal- i’m pretty sure i won that argument.

ohhh kelly.

enough is enough.

months ago, i received this story in an email and was so struck by it that i saved it and find myself often referring to it.

What is enough?

Recently I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said "I love you and I wish you enough"
The daughter replied, "Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom"
They kissed and the daughter left. The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry.

I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking "Did you ever say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever?".
"Yes, I have," I replied. "Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever goodbye?"

"I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is -- the next trip back will be for my funeral" she said.

"When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?"

She began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone." She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and she smiled even more. "When we said 'I wish you enough' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them."
Then, turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting from memory, and said:

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye."

She then began to cry and walked away.

i wish you enough today.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

mountain climbing

ok ok so maybe it wasnt a mountain but it certainly was the hugest thing ive seen in nyc.

can you guess where we are?

too many tv show references?

the writing is lackluster and impersonal at best. it lacks imagination and excitement. gone are the tales of black out city and gone are the stories to live vicariously through. i fell into routine ordinary life, leaving most “sex in the city” excitement behind for the “leave it to beaver” excitement. okay so maybe not leave it to beaver but wonder days or something along those lines that has little to do with partying all night and making ordinaries envious of the life you are living.

the past few months of entries have been nothing short of shitty reviews of places i’ve been and things i’ve come across. no insight.

so what now? why write now? suddenly, in the middle of an accounting update meeting i feel inspired to write to the point where my fingers move themselves to the appropriate letters to type my thoughts swarming in my head.

the one. you know the term about the one love of your life that no one will ever compare to. they are the benchmark that you measure everyone else against and the only person with whom you have had the most intense and intimate relationship with. you know the one i’m talking about.

we’ve all used the one. maybe when we’re drunk we refer to someone we are so physically attracted to as the one, or maybe in an obsessive relationship we refer to our other as the one. truth is i’ve referred to someone as the one many times. but have you ever really experienced the one? and once you have, what’s leftover afterwards?

first there was rob. he wowed me and dazzled me with compliments that every sixteen year old needs to hear to develop into a confident, self loving person. i saw him and my body cringed. for years after, hearing that one jewel song would give me the shivers. but what i realize now is that rob was not “the one.” i was naive and young. i never truly loved him though i claimed every night on the phone that i did. i didn’t have a clue what love was. i know this now because years later he means nothing to me other than the cause of a few crazy high school years where i reached my daring prime.

along came ryan. i was so confused with this relationship that one day i thought i was playing him and the next day he had another girlfriend. for five years we went back and forth and i said that he was the one who i would end up comparing everyone to. the thing was, i was more obsessed with having a love and being in love, than actually experiencing love. ryan and i didn’t love each other more than best friends love each other. we loved having someone. we loved having someone to call and talk to, or to meet at the bar to watch the world series, or to hang out on the couch with. so years later i realize that although i loved ryan, i can’t remember a time when i was in love with ryan.

disregarding the many in between who i thought i had fallen for only to realize that they were momentary distractions, including mike and dan, someone completely different came along and challenged my being. he was totally different in every way possible. and so i fell. but looking back what did i fall for? i didn’t fall for him, but rather the idea of him. i wasn’t in love with him, but rather i wanted to be him. i wanted to be unique. i wanted to wear the screaming red shirt he wore in a black tie room. he embodied my desire to be anything but me, and anything but ordinary. so the truth was when things ended and didn’t go how i wanted them to go at the time, i was more upset by the fact that i couldn’t mold myself into being someone else other than me.

the next relationship actually brought me to say the words the one and soul mate. it was one of the most destructive and intense relationships i have ever been in and ever care to be in. sparing the boring details, i convinced myself that i had to love this person. why would i ever convince myself that i had to love someone you ask? i fell back into an old way of loving having someone to be with. i loved having someone to call at any hour and having them jump for me. i loved having someone when i was lonely. did i love her? i said it, but so often doubted it when i said it. towards the end i realized that i just felt obligated to say it. i was once asked that if i couldn’t picture myself with her for the rest of my life, how could i possibly claim that to be love? at the time of course my response was defensive and i stated over and over again that i loved her.
but they were right. i didn’t love her. not like i should have loved her. i mindfucked myself and manipulated my life into thinking that i was in love with her. i was simply only in love with the idea.

so what makes this all important and where am i at now? well, a few things after providing my brief yet two page history. one- kristen and brian. here are two individuals who are so obviously soul mates and know it but aren’t together. fate and destiny have separated them despite mutual efforts. time has passed and i am to question if maybe they are soul mates simply because of the intense and unforgettable past that they both possess or if there’s something more? or maybe we should question then if they are even soul mates? would the great forces of fate and destiny tear apart soul mates and wait so long to return them to each other? maybe they simply shared a great love that has dissolved into nothing more than pictures, memories, and old love cards.

but brian is the one for kristen. he is the one who everyone is compared to despite their best efforts to stand apart and stand alone in her love life. maybe she will kill me for writing about this, but i truly believe that its fascinating. brian made kristen’s heart melt. hell, he made all of our hearts melt. we all wanted someone to hold our hand as we were wheeled into surgery or there when we awoke from surgery. we all wanted someone to come to the family parties and refer to our nieces as their nieces as they threw them up in the air. he was the one. the one who lived up to the say anything idea of love during the good times, and the way we were love in the bad times. they were more than just the brad pitt and jennifer aniston of our high school class. they were the tom hanks and rita wilson.

so now years later after breakups and hookups and reuniting, this cycle is continuous in my conversations with kristen. every guy she dates is immediately compared to brian. but what about the guys on the other side of the one? the guys who get compared unknowingly? or rather what does it mean and hold for the future?

the truth is she has an undying connection with brian that nothing, and i mean nothing, will ever break or change. sure someone out there could come along tomorrow on a white horse and rescue her as she falls, will and grace style, and be more to her than brian ever was, but they will still be compared to him. he will never be like the first guy to infiltrate the family or to win over all of our hearts. he will never be brian. he will never be the one.

so i am ultra sensitive to the notion of the one. i know that the one has never existed in my past despite my using the words, or my attempts to convince myself. i have never had this connection where when i wake up in the morning they are the first person i think about or they are the person i have dreams about. sure we all do this when we are in relationships or when we are trying to get over a relationship- but i’m talking years later here. i am not envious of those who have experienced the one, but rather envious that i’m not someone’s one.

its uncomforting to realize that you will never be that one to someone who has already experienced a prior one. no matter how hard someone tries with kristen, they will never be the one because the one already exists. so how then do you deal in a relationship where you know that there was already a one? you both sub-consciously acknowledge this fact, but being the hopeful and nice people you are, you consciously deny it. where does this lead you? well it leads you to uncomfortable repetitive conversations and most of all it leads to insecurities despite your best efforts and your knowledge that although you might not be the one you are the one right now. but you see, the one right now isn’t what love songs are written about, and isn’t what country songs win grammy’s for.

but what happens when the love right now is the one but its not a mutual feeling or can’t be a mutual feeling?