so you know where im coming from
a taste of worth while posts from previous site to help begin the new direction:
~a new year brings a new theme~
...capture the fleeting moments...
after a year of hardships, breakups, losses and ultimate devastation, a new year has come to wipe the slate clean. although i have already blemished the slate in the 8 days since the new year, i haven't tarnished it like the last.
i have decided then that my theme of the new year shall be capture the fleeting moments. capture the fleeting moments in every essence of the words from video taping and taking pictures, to living like there is no day but today, to taking chances and risks on the unknown. 2006 will not be a year of regrets but of moments looked back upon with a smile knowing that i lived deeply and passionately.
join me and capture the fleeting moments of 2006.
~making strides in television shows~
l word recap from last night:
dana dies of breast cancer... the rest doesn't matter and seems trivial.
so the beginning of the season dana gets breast cancer (note: season began january 7th) and now mid season (march) dana passes away succumbing to the cancer. so why write about it?? because its real and its happening right now...
breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the u.s. and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women age forty to fifty nine. it accounts for one of every three cancer diagnoses in women. account 211,240 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women this year and over 40,000 women will die from breast cancer this year. there are over 2 million breast cancer survivors alive today in the u.s. and the number of deaths sue to breast cancer seems to be declining. a combination of earlier detection and more effective treatments is thought to be responsible for declining death rates.
why is this important? well 1. for the obvious reason- its cancer 2. i cant think of one person that i know who hasnt in some way been affected by cancer 3. i am part of number 2
too many people i have loved and love have been hit by cancer. take my best friend for example. 21 years old, star athlete- field hockey rockstar and captain of the lacrosse team (this is college people), popular as all hell, smartest nerd. and bam she gets diagnosed with cancer, not once but like three times. how does this happen? a person who has never been more sick than the common cold, who takes vitamins daily, has a balanced diet we all envy, exercises regularly, and stresses about what to wear to the bar and a paper due in psych class. who punishes someone like that with a life threatening and sometimes taking disease?
when you sit down and think about it- there is no logical explanation. it cant be rationalized why some people get cancer and others dont. the truth of the situation is that we are all vulnerable to the disease and the only way to fight it is to spread the word and join the cause.
time to stand up and make some noise... join the making strides campaign or hit up the susan g komen foundation website. do something. stop letting apathy rule our bodies and lives.
takeaway: my best friend's attitude during her two surgeries, radiation treatments, countless blood tests and biopsies: "i may have cancer, but cancer doesnt have me"
life is precious- get out there and live it.
~why i did not vote for bush~
~rising singing sensation coming to nyc~
missy higgins
june 8th canal room
check her out at
you'll want to say you knew who she was before she made it big in the states...
~moral fiber~
so i recently saw the movie 'a girl next door' for the first time and it got me thinking. yes i know how many people have seen the movie and what a cheesy movie. truth is it really made me think about the lengths we would or we do go to for others, how much of ourselves we are willing to sacrifice for others, and what it ultimately translates to in the end.
theres a part where the main character mike gives a speech about moral fiber. he is supposed to explain his interpretation of the meaning of moral fiber and his personification of it...
his speech:
"moral fiber. so, what is moral fiber? it's funny, i used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. but lately i've been seeing it differently. now i think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. that one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. and when you find her, you fight for her. you risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. and maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. you know what? it doesn't matter. because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. that's what moral fiber's all about..."
are morals defined solely by my definition or is it by society's definition? for that matter what does it mean then to be moral or to have morals? i found this plaguing my mind all night afterwards as i questioned then if i was moral and what i thought my morals were. considering the past year and the torment of my upstanding morality by society, i wondered then who was right or what was right. are morals things like the ten commandments, thou shalt not steal or murder or etc? or are morals things like love and compassion and tolerance and respect? and if morals are the latter who determines if we are living according to those notions? its easy to say that if morals are defined as something like the 10 commandments living morally would be living aoccrding to the majority social consiousness, where we are punished by the legal law system for crimes committed and punished by society's laws for thing like cheating and affairs and other socially taboo subjects. but just because something is taboo or not socially accepted doesn't mean that it automatically immoral.
how did a negative connotation get attached to abortion for example? if someone has an abortion according to the 10 commandments and christian belief, they would be deemed immoral. and if someone had an abortion the majority of society at this point in time would label them as immoral and bestow the scarelt letter upon them if this information was made public. but if an abortion was medically necessary to protect the health of the mother, why is this immoral? given that abortion is an easy case to see the catch 22 what about the more complex cases of everyday living?
what defines us as living a moral life? is it that i attend church everyday, although during that hour of chuch i am confessing my sins of the week to god, or that i have an open and loving heart, even if it is given to a woman rather than a man? is being moral living a straight path and never taking the meandering roads? is it living a bland life lackluster risks and excitement?
what i suppose then is that morals are what we make of them. they allow us to somehow rationalize ourselves into being better human beings than our consiousness allows. morals arent universal; they arent black and white. they are grey and purple and green and blue and all shades of the spectrum. what i know for sure is that the moral fiber that holds my life together and makes sense of my sporadic emotions and questionable behaviour is love.
simply love.
~creatively and sensationally~
pure brilliance as captured by tal:
~a new year brings a new theme~
...capture the fleeting moments...
after a year of hardships, breakups, losses and ultimate devastation, a new year has come to wipe the slate clean. although i have already blemished the slate in the 8 days since the new year, i haven't tarnished it like the last.
i have decided then that my theme of the new year shall be capture the fleeting moments. capture the fleeting moments in every essence of the words from video taping and taking pictures, to living like there is no day but today, to taking chances and risks on the unknown. 2006 will not be a year of regrets but of moments looked back upon with a smile knowing that i lived deeply and passionately.
join me and capture the fleeting moments of 2006.
~making strides in television shows~
l word recap from last night:
dana dies of breast cancer... the rest doesn't matter and seems trivial.
so the beginning of the season dana gets breast cancer (note: season began january 7th) and now mid season (march) dana passes away succumbing to the cancer. so why write about it?? because its real and its happening right now...
breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the u.s. and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women age forty to fifty nine. it accounts for one of every three cancer diagnoses in women. account 211,240 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women this year and over 40,000 women will die from breast cancer this year. there are over 2 million breast cancer survivors alive today in the u.s. and the number of deaths sue to breast cancer seems to be declining. a combination of earlier detection and more effective treatments is thought to be responsible for declining death rates.
why is this important? well 1. for the obvious reason- its cancer 2. i cant think of one person that i know who hasnt in some way been affected by cancer 3. i am part of number 2
too many people i have loved and love have been hit by cancer. take my best friend for example. 21 years old, star athlete- field hockey rockstar and captain of the lacrosse team (this is college people), popular as all hell, smartest nerd. and bam she gets diagnosed with cancer, not once but like three times. how does this happen? a person who has never been more sick than the common cold, who takes vitamins daily, has a balanced diet we all envy, exercises regularly, and stresses about what to wear to the bar and a paper due in psych class. who punishes someone like that with a life threatening and sometimes taking disease?
when you sit down and think about it- there is no logical explanation. it cant be rationalized why some people get cancer and others dont. the truth of the situation is that we are all vulnerable to the disease and the only way to fight it is to spread the word and join the cause.
time to stand up and make some noise... join the making strides campaign or hit up the susan g komen foundation website. do something. stop letting apathy rule our bodies and lives.
takeaway: my best friend's attitude during her two surgeries, radiation treatments, countless blood tests and biopsies: "i may have cancer, but cancer doesnt have me"
life is precious- get out there and live it.
~why i did not vote for bush~
'i mean, think about it. other than the war in iraq, the katrina disaster, the deficit, the cia leak, torture, stopping stem cell research, homeland security, global warmingand undercutting science, we’ve yet to really feel the negative effectsof the bush administration.'
– bill moyers
~rising singing sensation coming to nyc~

june 8th canal room
check her out at
you'll want to say you knew who she was before she made it big in the states...
~moral fiber~
so i recently saw the movie 'a girl next door' for the first time and it got me thinking. yes i know how many people have seen the movie and what a cheesy movie. truth is it really made me think about the lengths we would or we do go to for others, how much of ourselves we are willing to sacrifice for others, and what it ultimately translates to in the end.
theres a part where the main character mike gives a speech about moral fiber. he is supposed to explain his interpretation of the meaning of moral fiber and his personification of it...
his speech:
"moral fiber. so, what is moral fiber? it's funny, i used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. but lately i've been seeing it differently. now i think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. that one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. and when you find her, you fight for her. you risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. and maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. you know what? it doesn't matter. because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. that's what moral fiber's all about..."
are morals defined solely by my definition or is it by society's definition? for that matter what does it mean then to be moral or to have morals? i found this plaguing my mind all night afterwards as i questioned then if i was moral and what i thought my morals were. considering the past year and the torment of my upstanding morality by society, i wondered then who was right or what was right. are morals things like the ten commandments, thou shalt not steal or murder or etc? or are morals things like love and compassion and tolerance and respect? and if morals are the latter who determines if we are living according to those notions? its easy to say that if morals are defined as something like the 10 commandments living morally would be living aoccrding to the majority social consiousness, where we are punished by the legal law system for crimes committed and punished by society's laws for thing like cheating and affairs and other socially taboo subjects. but just because something is taboo or not socially accepted doesn't mean that it automatically immoral.
how did a negative connotation get attached to abortion for example? if someone has an abortion according to the 10 commandments and christian belief, they would be deemed immoral. and if someone had an abortion the majority of society at this point in time would label them as immoral and bestow the scarelt letter upon them if this information was made public. but if an abortion was medically necessary to protect the health of the mother, why is this immoral? given that abortion is an easy case to see the catch 22 what about the more complex cases of everyday living?
what defines us as living a moral life? is it that i attend church everyday, although during that hour of chuch i am confessing my sins of the week to god, or that i have an open and loving heart, even if it is given to a woman rather than a man? is being moral living a straight path and never taking the meandering roads? is it living a bland life lackluster risks and excitement?
what i suppose then is that morals are what we make of them. they allow us to somehow rationalize ourselves into being better human beings than our consiousness allows. morals arent universal; they arent black and white. they are grey and purple and green and blue and all shades of the spectrum. what i know for sure is that the moral fiber that holds my life together and makes sense of my sporadic emotions and questionable behaviour is love.
simply love.
~creatively and sensationally~
pure brilliance as captured by tal:

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